I used to be a Solicitor but I'm all right now!

UK Expats Help and Information
It’s 2024. We are beyond Brexit & the worst of Covid-19, which for many delayed the full realisation and impact of what happened in Europe. The dust surrounding Brexit is still settling.
This is especially true for UK expats living in Europe. I should know. My wife and I took up residence in Greece just before Brexit happened, although our residency formalities took nearly a year to complete.
The aim of this website is to highlight some of the changes we have experienced, mostly being a direct consequence of Brexit, and offer some helpful solutions.
The information is relevant to UK expats living in Europe, and those UK residents contemplating a move abroad. Many similar issues are experienced by Expats living elsewhere in the world. The list opposite shows the topics covered which you can directly link to.
Whilst most of the rules and regulations brought in after Brexit apply to all those countries within the European Union [“EU”], my own personal experiences relate to our move to Greece.
The information contained in this website is believed to be correct at the beginning of 2024 and will be reviewed on a regular basis.
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